“Good morning Kira!” “Well, hello Isaac! How’s my favourite customer?” A start of another workday, Isaac stops at his favourite coffee shop each morning on his way to the office; here, he gets his usual drink - an Americano straight up. Isaac used to corrupt his coffee with cream, brown sugar, and a hint of cinnamon; but since his visit to the Caribbean where he was introduced to good coffee, he no longer participates in such sacrilege. “Have a seat Isaac, and I’ll bring it to you!” “Thanks Kira.” As the barista attends to his drink, Isaac takes a seat at the closest available table where he starts to check the messages on his tablet. As a young man, Isaac envisioned a career in emergency services; however, he chose accounting because every industry needed them, which would improve his chances of remaining employed. His career started in private industry, but he eventually found his way into the government, first as a tax auditor, (a thankless job according to him), then m...
The Business Blunders series is a fun and unique method of addressing business concerns through fictitious characters who tell anecdotal stories based on real events experienced by the author and the contributors. Join Isaac who retires after twenty years in the accounting profession then moving to a Caribbean island becoming a bartender next to a resort. Here, Isaac meets many guests from various professions and industries, and they share their business stories.