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A little maintenance please - A sample chapter from The Tradesman

 “What’s happening today Isaac?” “There’s a poker rally out towards Boulder City Samuel.” The waiter warms up Isaac’s coffee. “Yeah, there’s lots of those going on this week; just be careful, because some of the guys drink too much on those rides?” Poker Rallies are a favorite event for bikers, as well as similar groups such as ATV riders and snowmobilers; the participants draw their first card at the start point, have three other destinations they travel to for their next cards, then draw the last one at the final destination. Normally the host venue provides music, drinks, and food while they determine the winning hand. “Yeah, I know; I saw a crash a few years ago when I was at Daytona.” Isaac finishes his cup of coffee and starts to make his way towards the suite to freshen up and put on his riding gear.

 “Good luck Isaac!” “Thanks Heidi!” As Isaac is making his way through the casino towards the parking garage, the roulette dealer waves goodbye to her new favorite customer, although Isaac is certain she only likes him because she took all his money the night before.

 After removing the cable lock and putting on his helmet, Isaac climbs onto his motorcycle, fires up the engine, and enters the address for the start point into his GPS. Although Isaac has been to the Las Vegas Bikefest before, this is the first time he has been out to Boulder City; with this, he has also familiarized himself with the route on a map.

 After a twenty-minute ride through the city, onto the main highway way towards Los Angeles, then turning on to the secondary routes to Boulder City, Isaac’s traffic-phobia finally starts to settle down.

 “Here it is.” As Isaac turns onto the final road which will take him to the first check-in, he sees a woman with her motorcycle pulled over on the side of the road. As he passes the lady, he notices she is bending down and looking in towards the engine. Isaac stops, turns around, and rides the shoulder of the road then parking in front of her.

 “Do you need some help young lady?” Isaac steps off his motorcycle and makes his way towards the woman who appears to be distraught. “I don’t know what’s wrong! The throttle is working but it won’t go anywhere!” The rider appears to be very upset. “Do you want me to take a look?” “Yes please!” Isaac, who used to be a military aircraft mechanic, starts to look around the bike. “Thanks for stopping.” Sensing the woman is a little nervous being broken down and now approached by a stranger, Isaac introduces himself. “Nice to meet you Isaac; my name is Becky.”

“So, tell me what happened?” “I was riding down the road when all of a sudden I lost power.” “What do you mean?” “My engine started to rev really high, but I started slowing down!” As Isaac and Becky are wondering around the motorcycle, two more riders pull up behind them.

 “You need some help here?” The two men step off their bikes and make their way towards Isaac and the young woman. “Yeah, there’s something wrong with her bike.” “Let’s have a look!” The younger of the two men wonders up towards the motorcycle. “Yeah, like you would know!” The older of the two makes fun of his friend as he moves him aside and starts to check the bike himself. “Well, it was fine until….” As the three men aimlessly wonder around the motorcycle peering their heads in an out of the frame while Becky tells her story once again, another motorcycle pulls up and parks behind them.

 “What’s going on?” A woman sport bike rider approaches the others removing her gloves and helmet. “My bike quit working, and these guys stopped to help me.” “So geniuses! What’s the problem?” The new arrival seems to be a little on the rough side. “Now, now! No need to get like that!” The older of the two men who arrived after Isaac is not the least bit impressed with the tone of the woman. “Don’t know - we just got here ourselves.” His friend replies.

 “I’m Isaac, and this is Becky!” Sensing tension brewing, Isaac makes some introductions to calm everyone down. “I’m Harry, and this is Steve.” The woman who just arrived introduces herself as Dana. “So, Becky, tell me what happened.” Dana starts to look around as well. “I don’t know what’s going on you guys; I put it in gear, let out the clutch, but nothing happens.” “Come again?” Dana is not sure she heard Becky correctly. “I let out the clutch, but don’t…”

 “Where is your chain?” (Dana has apparently found the problem.) “What?” “Your chain! Why don’t you have a chain?” Becky and her entourage gather around the side of the bike to see for themselves. “Oh my God! I have no idea!” As Becky looks up and turns her head in the direction of the road she just came from, another motorcycle starts to slow down as he approaches them.

 “Hey! You guys lose this?” The rider, who is also on a sport bike, stops in the middle of the lane and holds out a motorcycle chain! “Let me see that!” Dana snatches the chain from his hand. “You’re welcome!”  Not feeling the love and appreciation, the rider puts his bike into gear, and quickly rides away.

 “Your chain is worn out… and so are these sprockets!” As it turns out, Dana is a motorcycle mechanic, and the others are about to get a lesson on maintenance!

“All of your links are worn to the point they have lengthened the chain to where you have no more adjustment.” Becky explains that over the last week she has adjusted the chain tension three times because it keeps getting loose. “Look at this!” Dana motions Becky to look down. “Look at your rear sprocket.” “Yeah?” “Look how sharp the teeth are; it means they are worn out as well!” Becky sighs. “The chain and sprockets normally wear out together; having to tighten often and getting to the adjustment limit is a sure sign.” Dana shows the guys another trick for checking the chain condition, but demonstrating on her own motorcycle, which still has a chain. “Man! I saw a guy’s chain break once and wrap around the axle; when his wheel locked up he crashed!” “That’s right Steve! Many riders don’t know how serious this is!” Dana is apparently passionate about this issue. “A little maintenance goes a long way guys!” As it is, the bikes Isaac, Harry, and Steve are on have belt drives therefore do not have chains. “Even belts break you guys!” You need to keep an eye on them as well!”

 “I need to get it hauled then.” “No you don’t; I have a master chain-link with me Becky, and that will get us to the shop in town.” “Thank you.” As Dana takes the small tool pouch from her bike, Isaac, Steve, and Harry put on their helmets and head for their bikes.

 “Hey! Can I buy you guys a beer?” Becky runs over to her would be rescuers. “I won’t say no!” Harry is the first to jump at the offer. “Hold it boys! I need to take her to the shop and get the bike fixed!” Dana of course is right. “Sorry guys! Hopefully we run into each other another time.” As Dana continues with the temporary fix, the boys make their way down the road where they are only twenty minutes from the next stop of the poker rally.

 “This hand is not going well guys!” “Mine either Isaac; what about you Harry?” “Same.” After drawing their cards, the new friends make their way to the bar. “I have to make a pit stop.” As Isaac heads for the bathroom, Harry and Steve commandeer the last vacant table, and order three bottles of beer.

 “So, where are you guys from?” “Steve and I live an hour outside of Vancouver in the lower mainland; and you Isaac?” “I spent most of my time in Toronto; but I moved to the Caribbean Islands a few years ago.” “Nice?” Steve and his brother visit the islands once and a while where they go sailing. “So, what do you do Isaac?” “I was into accounting Steve; but now I own a bar.” “Nice.” “And you guys?”

 Harry tells Isaac about his metal fabrication and painting businesses where Steve colours his repo-man business as ‘asset recovery.’ After a brief discussion, the new friends finish up their beer, and attempt to catch up to the others on the poker run.


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